We are passionate about user choice and data protection.

Jerboa software endeavours to process and store as little user data as possible.

Including this site, which does not use cookies or store your personal or indentifiable data. Hit statistics are collected, including anonymised IP's alongside hit times and content requested. These are stored in this anonymised format,

                "count": 3,
                "times": [
                "path": "/",
                "hash_ip": "1f40fc92da241694750979ee6cf582f2d5d..."
It will always be possible to delete user data (profile ids, saved games, achievements etc) from our apps and games when it is stored. For more information about data protection please read (for example) about the European Union and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) here

Adverts in Jerboa Apps

Jerboa apps with Ads are served by AdMod set to non-personalised ads (NPA) - read more here

We use optional rewarded Ads - read more here

Crash logs, diagonsotics, achievements, and saved games

In our mobile Apps the developers (Jerboa) will not store, process, or forward any personally identifiable data to any private server or database held by the developers (Jerboa) unless explicitly stated on a per-app basis (e.g user accounts for multiplayer games). When clear (continuous) consent is given. Our mobile apps record game state and hardware data for crash reports, performance logs, diagonsotics, and sometimes progression in Play achievements or saved games. Play Games data, e.g achievements and saved games, allow for the "right to be forgotten" by allowing user deletion of data directly from their profile.

AdMob in Jerboa Apps

Google AdMob may use cookies to combat ad fraud, frequency capping, and aggregated ad reporting. Google AdMob may use coarse geo-data such as your current city or country to serve ads.

For which you consent to the following data uses: (1) Select basic ads: Ads can be shown to you based on the content you're viewing, the app you're using, your approximate location, or your device type. (2) Measure ad performance: The performance and effectiveness of ads that you see or interact with can be measured.